vintage motorcycles movie

"The Roost" Portuguese Premiere at LxMFF 2023!

Our award-winning feature film “The Roost” had it’s Portuguese premiere at the Lisbon Motorcycle Film Festival 2023 and I was invited to the solo premiere screening on June 2nd, 2023 to present the film and talk about the crazy trip of making the doc for over 3 years and how it became one amazing documentary! Thank you so much to the LxMFF team for having us as a part of your program!


Photos by  Pedro Lopes (

Here’s an after movie video created by the LxMFF team highlighting the gnarly event, complete with a night ride around Portugal!

Bike Exif Shows The Roost Some Love!

Click the image above to read the article

I couldn’t be more proud that Bike Exif featured a little write up about our documentary feature film “The Roost” in their January 16th Speed Read. Hop on over to their page to check out what they had to say. BikeExif is the place you want to be in the biking community, so we are so proud they let us in with a warm review. If you would like to see the film yourself you can see it here!
