
Making headlines over on Polygon with our Netflix One Piece Season 2 video!

Our very special season 2 announcement video with One-Piece creator Eiichiro Oda for Netflix made the headlines over at Polygon! Hop on over and have a watch if you haven’t seen it yet!


"The Roost" Portuguese Premiere at LxMFF 2023!

Our award-winning feature film “The Roost” had it’s Portuguese premiere at the Lisbon Motorcycle Film Festival 2023 and I was invited to the solo premiere screening on June 2nd, 2023 to present the film and talk about the crazy trip of making the doc for over 3 years and how it became one amazing documentary! Thank you so much to the LxMFF team for having us as a part of your program!


Photos by  Pedro Lopes (

Here’s an after movie video created by the LxMFF team highlighting the gnarly event, complete with a night ride around Portugal!

"The Roost" Write-up and Interview in Tokyo Weekender

Our feature film “The Roost” was featured in the November 2021 issue of Tokyo Weekender. Writer Paul McInnes wrote a wonderful review of the film along with a brief interview with me about filming a unique culture like the alternative motor scene here in Japan.

Please check out the article here. You can also watch “The Roost” here. Enjoy the ride!


Tokyo Weekender - Voices of Tokyo

I had the chance to be featured in the Tokyo Weekender’s “Voices of Tokyo” article focusing on my creative passions, current projects, and all things Tokyo! Thanks for the opportunity TW!


Fuso F-Cell commercial used as the official Fuso Facebook Header!

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Fuso has recently used the F-Cell commercial I shot and directed as their header on the official facebook page. It’s great to see this cool little commercial for their Hygrogen Fuel truck setting the mood for folks visiting their page. Thanks Fuso!


Clip Studio Commercial BTS Photos in L.A.

I don’t often get to see photos of myself behind the camera as I’m usually very busy filming or directing, but thankfully Wei Chen, our second camera operator and wicked illustrator, was able to take some stills during the production. We had a very talented small and mobile crew, keeping it simple and clean as we shot all over L.A. and Hollywood! It was such a pleasure working with the always awesome and talented illustrator Babs Tarr and I can’t wait to find another project for us to work together on again. Enjoy the photos!


"Where Memory is Traded" featured on

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The music video “Where Memory is Traded” I shot for Memotone was recently featured on There was a nice right up about the artist Will Yates and the video itself and how it was filmed in the forests just outside of Tokyo, the same forests that Hayao Miyazaki drew inspiration for the Studio Ghibli classic, My Neighbour Totoro.

Due to the outbreak of COVID-19, artists need our support more than ever. You can support Memotone by buying music from his Bandcamp.


My First Pecha Kucha

I had the amazing chance to do a Pecha Kucha presentation in Tokyo. I have been to many and even been a part of a handful of other’s Pecha Kuchas over the years, but had never done one myself. So, I pulled up my creative pants and decided it was time. I spoke about my experiences being a independent film maker and cinematographer in Tokyo over the past decade and shared a handful of stills from my film and photography work. It was such a good experience and you couldn’t ask for a better community here in Tokyo where it all started. If you are interested in going to or doing one, check out more from Pecha Kucha here.


Best Cinematography Winner For The Last Library

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It has been a quite a tremendous honor to have my first feature film “The Last Library” as Director of Photography take home a handful of awards during it’s festival run. But, I’m most proud of this one. It was such a great learning experience and I loved shooting it on anamorphic glass. I think it really brought the world and vision of the director to life. Cheers to the team for making a great film and I was so happy to be a part of it.
