
BTS Photos from the "An eCanter Christmas Story" Commercial Shoot

It was an absolute pleasure directing and shooting the “An eCanter Christmas” story for Mitsubishi Fuso with the Wild Tame team. Have a look at some of the photos from the WT team shot by Mario Elfadi during the production and see what a blast we had while filming!


Over 1 million views in 2 days for Netflix Live-Action One Piece Luffy Meets Eiichro Oda Video

The “Eiichiro Oda Meets Iñaki Godoy” video I shot for Netflix has reached over 1 million views in just 2 days! It was such an honor to be a part of this historical meeting of the zany minds! I can’t wait for the live action series to come out!


PS. These comments just make my heart melt!

Bike Exif Shows The Roost Some Love!

Click the image above to read the article

I couldn’t be more proud that Bike Exif featured a little write up about our documentary feature film “The Roost” in their January 16th Speed Read. Hop on over to their page to check out what they had to say. BikeExif is the place you want to be in the biking community, so we are so proud they let us in with a warm review. If you would like to see the film yourself you can see it here!


Over 1 Million Views for our FUSO "The Love of The Game Drives Us Forward CM"

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The commercial I wrote, directed, and lensed for FUSO, “The Love of The Game Drives Us Forward”, just passed the 1 million views milestone over on their official facebook page. This makes me beyond happy as this was such a special project to put together for FUSO and Centerpole featuring some amazing para-athlete basketball players. Check it out here if you haven’t seen it yet!


BTS Stills for FUSO's "Love of the Game" CM

I has such an amazing experience putting this shoot together as both the Director and DP. Deciding the location, designing the set, writing the story, story-boarding, casting, and filming, all of these things were an incredibly creative challenge. But having an amazing team bring it all together was so rewarding. I’m happy we were able to put together such and amazing product. Thank you everyone! Now you get to see me look awkward as heck while being creative. Enjoy!

Photos by: Alfie Goodrich


"Never The Same" Series Featured on the Fuso Career Website

The “Never The Same” commercial series I shot and directed for Mitsubishi Fuso are now featured on the career hub within their main website. It’s great to see all three of these videos together in once place. You can check out the videos on the Fuso website, or check them out on willdesu as well.


My First Pecha Kucha

I had the amazing chance to do a Pecha Kucha presentation in Tokyo. I have been to many and even been a part of a handful of other’s Pecha Kuchas over the years, but had never done one myself. So, I pulled up my creative pants and decided it was time. I spoke about my experiences being a independent film maker and cinematographer in Tokyo over the past decade and shared a handful of stills from my film and photography work. It was such a good experience and you couldn’t ask for a better community here in Tokyo where it all started. If you are interested in going to or doing one, check out more from Pecha Kucha here.
