I lensed, directed, and edited this promotional video for Mitsubishi Fuso’s “Never The Same” campaign for the launch of their new website and career hub for 2020. We closely followed three different employees around the Fuso facilities to highlight that no matter the job or person every day has new things to offer and explore and never the same.
Client - Mitsubishi Fuso
Produced Through - Wild Tame Co.,Ltd.
Director/Cinematographer/Editor - William Greenawalt
1st AD/Secondary Camera Operator - Joseph Tame
DIT / Colorist / Editor for Designer Cut - Michelle Madden
Production Manager / B-Cam - Dan Tanda
Production Assistant - Pascal Santoso, Estee Chan, Liz Cen
Producers - Ryan Mundt and Ayu Oishi
Location Manager - Klaus Heidrich
Featured on the Fuso official website and SNS channels
Below are the three videos in the series:
Fuso - Never The Same: Craftsman
Fuso - Never The Same: Designer
Fuso - Never The Same: Engineer