I lensed, edited, and directed this promotional video for Mitsubishi Fuso featuring some of their legendary Canter trucks from over the years to help promote the launch of their new Canter 2020 truck.
Client - Mitsubishi Fuso
Produced Through - Wild Tame Co.,Ltd.
Director/Cinematographer/Editor - William Greenawalt
Colorist - Michelle Madden
AC/Secondary Camera Operator - Thomas Beswick
Production Manager - Joseph Tame
Producer - Ryan Mundt
On-Site Producer/Truck Wrangler - Kiei Tashiro
Featured on the Fuso official Youtube and Facebook channels
To see more in the commercial series, check below:
FUSO | The most iconic of Canters: the “V-Canter”
FUSO | The Jupiter: out-of-this-world cool, since 1959
FUSO | The Second Generation Canter: The T91A
FUSO | The Canter FE120B: Cool is timeless