My Famicase 2018 - Avoidance


My original cartridge design for the My Famicase exhibition 2018 at Meteor in Tokyo.

You are the darkness. A void dancing though space, hungry to consume the light. This rhythm-based game has you munching up stars as you grow ever bigger. Use your skill & timing to avoid dark stars trying to suck away your expanding pitch blackness.

Produced Through - Willdesu
Illustrator/Art Director - William Greenawalt

You could see the cartridge on display at the 2018 My Famicase Exhibition at Meteor as well as the official event website.

The design was also chosen for the “A Game by It’s Cover” jam where developers have one month to program a game around any of the submissions to the My Famicase Exhibition.

The developer Rubyleehs put together an amazing game using my concept. Check out some of the game sample images below. You can also download the full game here.


Catchlight - RJ Mundt: Designer and Builder

Catchlight - RJ Mundt: Designer and Builder


Deus Japan - "The Firefly" Commercial

Deus Japan - "The Firefly" Commercial
